Tuesday, May 22, 2012


this past weekend was pretty great

it was sunny and hot and i lived :) 

it all started thursday night when i went to see Michael Jackson's The Immortal World Tour Cirque de Soliel

QQhis hologram on the curtain

what an amazing show! you must check it out if it comes to an arena near you

friday night i saw "what to expect when you're expecting" and it was hilarious! 

everyone was really great in it, but the dads stole the show for sure...

saturday and sunday were spent in the sunshine with some fabulous kids that really brighten my weekends, teaching them is such a pleasure. (so much so that i ALWAYS forget to take pictures)

finished the weekend off with a sunday night bbq with my parents.

i am tan, nails are painted, full belly, smiles and giggles....one happy little weekend if i do say so myself! :) 

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend!! I saw that movie too and LOVED it. I laughed and cried - but mostly laughed. Perfect combo! Have a good one chica!