Friday, June 15, 2012

friday's letters 5.0


here we are again! 

dearest work, 
you are about to get REAL busy on

dearest anxiety, 
you aren't too kind when work gets busy. ease up, okay?

dearest friends, 
haven't seen any of you this week, let's be friends again. honestly, this being busy thing is not sitting well with me!

dearest body, 
the time is coming to get some new ink. be prepared! 

dearest urban outfitters dress, 
you make me feel skinny and tan. mucho thanks! :) 

dearest sun, 
i think i proposed in a previous letter. what do you think? let's get married..mmmmkay? :)

dearest ashley
i received my much love illy headbands that i won through her giveaway on your blog. i am in loooooooooove <3

happy friday sweets! make it a good one :) 


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a great weekend and that work isn't too busy for you. Anxiety is terrible.

English Anderson said...

Oh, I want a new tattoo so badly! I had planned on getting a new one while I was in the States, but it just didn't work out...definitely before the end of the year though. Please post lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through you!

Here via Friday's Letters on Aventures of Newlyweds, and your newest follower!


Ashley said...

awww yay!! so glad you liked them :)

and yesss....UO make such a great dresses!! i love them!

can't wait to see what you decide on for your new tat!!