Thursday, July 26, 2012

29 in 29!

Linking up with Erin over at Living in Yellow (one of my favorite blogs)

isn't she such a crazy cat?!?

she wrote a post for 26 things to do in the year she is 26 and asked people to link up so why not?!?

well this year I am 29 and so here are my 29 things to be done this year:

1. Get some fresh ink, this seriously needs to happen! I need some endorphins! :) 

2. Have a pinterest party (Erin will totally think I copied her on this but I think it's something that all us ladies dream about!)

3. Take a serious vacation. Like actual vacation time dedicated to me. I often take vacation time to coach. I think it's time to have one for myself and just relax. 

4. Date a lot more than I am currently. I need to branch out and get back on the horse I fell off of. 

5. Make friends with my one great love that got away and be at peace with it. This is about halfway there. We are friends. Am I okay with it just yet? Probably not but I am hoping to get there because having him as a friend is proving to be much better than not having him at all. 

6. Clean out my closet and host a clothing drive for the Boys and Girls Club. Maybe ask Erin from LIY for some advice. She is a big time blogger, not sure she'll be able to help but worth the try! 

7. Run a race. This is happening on Saturday! And holy moly I am NOT ready. Haven't ran in a few weeks and it's probably going to kick my butt but I am so excited for The Color Run I can barely stand it. 

8. Get to 50 followers and devote some time to this blog. It's completely a work in progress and I don't get to work on it as much as possible but I'd like to make it something meaningful.

9. Work on a business plan for opening up my own business. Really must get this started so that I have something in the works. I'm not getting any younger here!

10. Go to the grocery store at least once every 2 weeks. I need to make a lifestyle change of my eating habits

11. Try lobster. I did this already. And it was half bad! I thought it was kind of chewy in lobster roll form with little to no mayo (I despise mayo) but I think it's worth trying from the shell with some butter next :)

12. Make everyone I come into contact with feel special because they are. 

13. Go zip lining

14. Read tons more. I said I would read 50 books in 2012 and I did really well in January (4 books read) and have been struggling to read ever since

15. Start a girl's night where we go to a different restaurant once a month

16. Have drinks with coworkers more often. They really crack me up

17. Be more confident in life. I am a good person! 

18. I haven't jumped in the ocean yet this year...gotta get on that!

19. Volunteer somewhere, anywhere

20. Go kayaking, haven't been in many many years

21. Take a day off and do NOTHING, not one thing. Stay in bed all day! 

22. Write every time I feel like writing something down. All emotions should be captured

23. Take some of the Spartan children out for ice cream when they get back

24. Go out on school nights more often. Have been this whole week and will continue to do so :) 

25. Vote in November

26. Hang out with my Great Auntie Gail more often

27. Host a game night! 

28. Go to Paint Bar with some lovely ladies

29. Relax more often! Take the time to enjoy life and basque in the sun's rays

these all sound completely feasible right?!?! If I think it's possibe, I'm more than halfway there! 

Won't you link up with Miss Erin?!?!????


Janna Renee said...

They are completely feasible! You should see my list ;) It's kind of over the top, but I have good reasons! Saying hi from Bethany's blog! xoxo

bonbon said...

I try to do the 50 books a year too! I usually only make it to about 30 but I figure that's still way more than I would have read without the goal, so it's all good! Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

new follower :)

Unknown said...

very nice Women quotes