Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Never lose your childhood heart...

Last Friday night I played many childish games with my 20-something year old friends and can I just say 1 thing...

it was FANTASTIC and SO SO MUCH FUN! (when I get excited I type in all caps, sorry)  

So all and all I was excited for game night last week. The only thing I was dreading was being the 5th wheel as I was playing with 2 engaged couples...

Now...being the 3rd, 5th, 7th, any odd number wheel for that matter, ain't so bad.


I am well accustomed to it. I don't mind it so much. I get extra special attention paid to me as I am the "single friend."

But have no fear! Another one of my guy friends showed up and then we were the odd couple!

isn't he precious?!

So we sit down and play Disney Scene It. My girlfriends are completely obsessed with Disney so we decide, girls against guys. Obviously I'm ok with this as I am positive that my precious friend up there has definitely not seen a Disney movie since he was 15. But get this...

The guys KILL us! I couldn't believe it. The other two had a very in depth knowledge about Disney movies and they won. Unbelievable!

Then we play spoons. GREAT GAME. Except we use chopsticks and fit over them when there's only 1 left. We are so grown up.

Ok for now, we are done playing games, guys are dancing like fools, girls just chatting it up on the couch. Then all of a sudden..."let's play hide and seek!"

I say Ok I'll count, immediately followed by a scatter of bodies to go hide in the entire house.

And ya know what? It was tons of fun! I'm talking like I haven't had this much fun in a looooooooooong time. It was great.

I really needed it. Thank you friends!

Have you ever played childish games when you were supposed to be a "grown up"?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

first post....woah

Hello bloggers and bloggettes! This is the very bare bones of a work in progress, MY LIFE! :)

See here's the thing, I use the internet for EVERYTHING. I'm talking every little darn thing that goes through my mind.

Want a fun new recipe to make for a party....Google it.

Want to know good ways to organize my closet....Google it.

Want to know mostly anything in the world.....Google it.

So one day I'm snooping around that crazy thing called the world wide web looking for one of my crazy DIY  ideas and I stumble upon this lovely blog, ...love Maegan. She has these amazing DIY tutorials for hair and designer clothes, jewelry...you name it, she DIYed it! I couldn't and can't get enough of her!

After that I just kept stumbling along all these fantastic blogs. Fashion blogs, DIY blogs, recipe blogs, and life blogs.  One day (soon, I hope) I'll figure out how to do a blog roll and you can check out my faves there. :)

So I created this account to have a one stop shop for all my favorites and that "Create a Blog" link always plagued me. Should I do it? Will anyone visit? Will I be judged? Will anyone make fun of my silly blog?

And then I thought to myself WHO CARES?!? This is my life and if I want to start a blog, I will!

So here it is, my little blog about anything and everything! I plan on participating in a lot of my favorite blogs daily blogs and to toss in some of my own craziness!

I'm just hoping this blog helps me appreciate all life has to offer!

Smell ya latah! :)