Monday, December 19, 2011


Over the next few days (to get in the habit of the daily post) I am going to recap my past few weekends of December.

First weekend up...MY BIRTHDAY! wooohooooooooo

Started the weekend off with a birthday beer at work around 3pm (nothing like getting a brewski in before the work week is even over)

Saturday started with a baby shower (of which I have no pictures from because I am a SLACKA)

Then on to our annual Stonehill Christmas Party! All of our friends get together and we do a Yankee Swap. It is so much fun and we just love to catch up with each other and have a grand ole' time.

the spread, YUM

the wine, double YUM

shots all around for the gentlemen

giggling like a school girl because they think I'm taking a shot...

oh snap, I am!

some of the girls "gathering" around Amy

getting ready for present picking!
same girls closer to the end of the night, this was immediately followed by Christmas Carols in the dining room

On Sunday, I had my college BFF's wedding shower, and I took absolutely no pictures because I was running around, like the good bridesmaid I am! :) Her mom took pics and if I can get some, I'll be sure to post them here. Below is my outfit for the day and my VERY messy room.
Hey! It takes a lot for a girl to pick out her own outfit. She has to see what she's got in that closet of hers!

And below is the final picture from that weekend. This is not my tattoo but only a place where I am thinking of getting one. I think this tattoo looks SO SEXY! I want my next one right here!
So that was the first weekend in December. Pretty eventful and busy. I love being busy but it sure makes me tired, doncha think?!?

toodaloooooo for now :)

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